
My family tree has branches in the following regions and with these surnames:

  • AYRE in Devon and Somerset, England.
  • BARBONI in Pergola, Marche, Italy; and Minnesota.
  • BERTOLO in Fiume Veneto, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Italy and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Canada.
  • BURROWS l in Devon and Somerset, England.
  • COTTRELL in Devon and Somerset, England.
  • HARNEDY in West Cork, Ireland and Andover, Massachusetts.
  • IOP in Fiume Veneto, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Italy.
  • KAZUKE and KAZIUKA in Galicia, Eastern Ukraine.
  • LAWRENCE in Glamorgan, Wales.
  • LEAHY in West Cork, Ireland (particularly the townlands of Gortnamona, Castle Island and Kilbronogue).
  • MATTIOLI in Fano, Marche, Italy.
  • MOYNIHAN and MYNEHANE in West Cork, Ireland (particularly the townlands of Shantullig North, Drishane, Lackareagh and Caherolickane); Andover, Haverhill and Worcester, Massachusetts; and Buffalo, New York.
  • MUZZIN in Fiume Veneto, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Italy.